Friday, April 24, 2015

Galaxy Toys Mission Statement

Galaxy Toys Mission Statement

              Galaxy Toys creates the best galactic toys that are out of this world. We take pride in our outer space themed toys and manufacture each one with accuracy and precision to get the best results. Galaxy toys vary from rocket ships to astronauts to aliens. Our sole purpose is to put a smile on our customers faces and hope it stays there for lightyears to come.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hillary's Logo

In my opinion, I strongly believe Hillary's logo is fantastic. Although her logo is attracting a lot of negative comments, I feel that its simple, sweet and gets right to the point. As the article stated, her new logo is memorable and gets her message across without having to think too deeply into it. When running for president I believe the logo one chooses should be easy to read and understand. Hillary exercises her belief in the quote "simplicity is more" and I couldn't agree anymore.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Favorite logo

One of my favorite logos is the NBA logo. I love the use of the gestalt technique called closure. I really admire how it uses negative space to create the image. The man with the ball isn't really there but the design tricks our mind into thinking he's there. In my opinion it is great design. I also really enjoy the color scheme. The colors are bright and contrasting which makes it stand out and easy to see. I truly believe this logo gets its message across in a cool, unique way.

Movie poster!